Nova Iskra Workspace & rent24 blog

Nova IskraNova Iskra WorkspaceNova Iskra Studio
Meet Veselin Ilić

Meet Veselin Ilić

Meet Veselin Ilić, a man whose life motto is to be the highest paid in what he does, whether it's working on Cisco networks or picking mushrooms. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Zemun and talk to him about his professional expertise and life stories
Meet Aleksei Volkov

Meet Aleksei Volkov

Aleksei Volkov is a software architect and software development consultant from Russia. In his free time, he enjoys walking, swimming, and exploring the Balkans, while at home, he entertains himself by trying to teach his cat to code. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Savamala.
Meet Aleksandra Božić

Meet Aleksandra Božić

Aleksandra Božić, a returnee from the USA, now helps others returning to Serbia through her work with the Association Tačka povratka (Returning Point). Passionate about her job and animals, she is known for her welcoming nature at Nova Iskra Dorćol.
Meet Marko Aleksić

Meet Marko Aleksić

Meet Marko Aleksić, a man whose motto is that no problem is unsolvable as long as it doesn't defy the laws of physics. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Zemun and have a conversation with him about that principle :)
Meet Aleksandra Radivojević

Meet Aleksandra Radivojević

Educated as an architect, an aspiring photographer, a carpenter at heart, and a seamstress in her free time, you will meet Aleksandra Radivojević at Nova Iskra Zemun.
Meet Emilija Nikić

Meet Emilija Nikić

Emilija Nikić is a junior software engineer at HaslerRail AG, passionate about data analysis and manipulation, with tasks that span both frontend and backend development. She loves to travel, read, work out, and spend time with friends. You can meet her at Nova Iskra Zemun.
Meet Ramil Aliev

Meet Ramil Aliev

Ramil Aliev works as a software developer. He is a pianist and a gaming enthusiast. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Workspace Savamala.
Meet Dubravko Blažić

Meet Dubravko Blažić

Dubravko Blažić works at Haslerrail as the team lead of the RailData team, a book lover and an introvert masked as an extrovert. He leads a team of 15 people and helps solve everyday problems, while in his free time he enjoys reading biographies and working with electronics. He is a coworker at Nova Iskra Zemun
Meet Igor Pešić

Meet Igor Pešić

In the Nova Iskra Workspace Zemun, you can meet Igor Pešić, a full-stack software developer interested in Big Data and who enjoys traveling
Meet Milica Bogdanović

Meet Milica Bogdanović

Meet Milica Bogdanović, manager of the Branč restaurant