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Meet Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra

Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra, with roots in both Serbia and Peru, blends her rich cultural heritage with a creative approach to her work. As she nears the completion of her master's studies in Creative Industries, Sara reflects on her unexpected journey as a community assistant at Nova Iskra, where she has gained invaluable experience and built lasting connections. Passionate about people and community, Sara is driven by the vibrant energy of her work environment and the friendships she's forged along the way.

Name and surname.

Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra

Tell us something about yourself.

You might immediately have one question in mind when you read my name... Yes, I was born in Serbia, but my roots are diverse – my mother is from Peru, so I ended up with an interesting mix of Serbian and Spanish heritage in my name. Still, when people ask me where I'm from, I proudly say that I am Serbian. I’m currently finishing my master’s degree at the Faculty of Media and Communications, specializing in Creative Industries, where I aim to blend the cultural nuances of my background with creative approaches in my work.

What inspired you to become a community assistant/ the assistant to the coworking space manager, and how has that impacted you so far?

Becoming a community assistant wasn’t part of any long-term plan. Honestly, I didn’t even know about Nova Iskra before a close friend recommended me for the job. I wanted to gain work habits and learn the basics of running a company, so I decided to give this role a try. Two years later, you can still find me as soon as you step through the doors of Nova Iskra in Zemun.

Working in this community has brought me much more than I expected. I’ve gained valuable experiences and skills, learned how to interact more openly and confidently with different people, and surprised myself with how well I handle unexpected situations. All these changes have shaped me not only as a professional but also as a person, and I am truly grateful for the experience.

What is the best part of the job, and what motivates you every day?

I think everyone working at Iskra would give the same answer, and I’ll just confirm it – one word: people. The people we work with, collaborate with daily, and the entire community we’ve built over time, are what make Nova Iskra a special place. In this sense, one of the best parts of my workday is definitely working with Andrea. After two years of working together, she has become one of my closest friends and one of the main reasons I look forward to coming to work ????. Together, we’ve created so many precious moments, both within and outside of Nova Iskra...

Share a specific moment from the community with us.

I would highlight organizing the Barbecue Day on the terrace. People, music, drinks, and barbecue – can it get any better :)

Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself or your professional journey?

During the week, after finishing all my daily obligations at work and university, I spend my time wandering the streets of Belgrade in search of new artistic events – whether they are newly opened galleries, intriguing theater performances, or classic films. In the evenings, I enjoy relaxing at the bars on Cetinjska Street with friends, and when the night draws to a close, Bucko and his irresistible pizza are the perfect end to the day. Weekends are my chance to retreat into nature and recharge for the start of a new workweek… that’s all from me :)