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Meet Andrea Milivojević

Andrea Milivojević combines her passion for aviation with her role as an assistant manager/community manager at Nova Iskra Workspace Zemun. Through her work in the coworking space, she has developed problem-solving skills and the ability to navigate unfamiliar situations, while using weekends to recharge in nature and enjoy time with family and friends.

Name and surname.

Andrea Milivojević

Tell us something about yourself.

During the workweek, I spend the first part of my day at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, focusing on a subject that has always fascinated me—aviation. It’s where I’ve always felt at home, so the path I’m currently on makes me very happy and fulfilled. The second part of my day is spent at Nova Iskra, where I work as an assistant manager/community assistant.

Weekends are reserved for relaxing in nature, whether it’s hiking or having a picnic, as a break from the chaotic city life. I try to spend as much time as possible surrounded by family and friends, filling every moment with beautiful memories. I also love to travel and explore new places and cultures.

What inspired you to become a community assistant/ the assistant to the coworking space manager, and how has that impacted you so far?

Even though it wasn’t part of my original plan, I got the opportunity to work as an assistant at Nova Iskra, which allowed me to gain new experiences and skills. I can’t say I’m someone who easily steps out of their comfort zone, especially when venturing into something new and unfamiliar. I’m glad I listened to my intuition because now, two years later, I notice significant changes in myself, particularly in my problem-solving speed and how I handle unexpected situations.

What is the best part of the job, and what motivates you every day?

The answer to this question was easy—it’s definitely the people and the community we’ve built over time and continue to develop every day. The core ideas of Nova Iskra go beyond the usual framework of a coworking space, and our team contributes daily by striving to create a place where people feel relaxed, comfortable, and welcome. This also ties into my motivation, as I’m constantly surrounded by people who support and encourage me and from whom I can always learn something new.

Share a specific moment from the community with us.

My favorite events are the gatherings we organize—whether it’s chatting over a barbecue, watching a game, or competing in darts. These moments truly showcase the connections and friendships that form within Iskra.

In other words, I’d say the specific moments are made up of the small things that happen every day, which we might not even be aware of—the mutual support and joy in each other’s successes, as well as the casual conversations during short breaks that often turn into long discussions.

Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself or your professional journey?

I’d like to use this question to mention a person I met at Iskra without whom Andrea wouldn’t be Andrea. That person is Sara, who became my best friend about ten days after I started. I often think that maybe we would never have met if our paths hadn’t crossed at Iskra. As for my professional journey, we’ll see where the road takes me…