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Meet Marija Gavrilović (Ma Ri Gavri)

Meet Marija Gavrilović (Ma Ri Gavri), an interior and furniture designer whose passion is creating spaces that bring the spirit of New York and Milan to the heart of Belgrade. You can meet her at Nova Iskra Dorćol and discuss her visions and projects.

 Name and Surname

Marija Gavrilović

(Ma Ri Gavri)


Interior and Furniture Designer

    Introduce yourself in 2 sentences

I create and bring New York and Milan to Belgrade. I create spaces.

    What do you currently do and what does your position include?

I am engaged in interior and furniture design. I founded Ma Ri Gavri in 2020 and now I am developing this studio with a vision of all the spaces I want to create. My position includes interior design through its concept, development, project solution, furnishing, and then materialization and site supervision. I am present in almost every step and have a great team.

    What motivates you in the work you do?

The way space influences and changes our lives motivates me.

   What do you do in your free time?

I cook.

   Do you want to share anything about yourself or your work?

I would ask you to imagine a space where you want to live and then walk through it.