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Meet Aleksei Volkov

Aleksei Volkov is a software architect and software development consultant from Russia. In his free time, he enjoys walking, swimming, and exploring the Balkans, while at home, he entertains himself by trying to teach his cat to code. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Savamala.

    Name and Surname

Aleksei Volkov



    Introduce yourself in 2 sentences

 I am a software architect and software development consultant from Russia.

    What do you currently do and what does your position include?

Currently, my main client is a company called Maxoptra, which provides an end-to-end solution for B2C delivery management.
      I also consult for small and medium startups. This includes analyzing development processes, current architecture, infrastructure, and costs, as well as creating PoCs for new architectures.
      My secondary field is education. I taught programming and software development methodology at Samara State University. Now, I work as an educational instruction designer for a small online university.

    What motivates you in the work you do?

I've always enjoyed solving complex tasks, even in school. This passion has become a core part of my job, where I solve architectural problems for clients. The best part of my work is seeing processes improve and provide better results for customers and businesses. It's like detangling a complex knot; satisfaction comes when it's finally untangled and the rope isn't broken.

   What do you do in your free time?

I enjoy walking, swimming, playing with my cat, and taking small and big trips around Serbia and the Balkans.  I also dabble in trying to teach my cat to code—she's not very good at debugging but excels at purring.

   Do you want to share anything about yourself or your work?

I think my field is too specific for a broader audience, so probably not.