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Meet Igor Pešić

In the Nova Iskra Workspace Zemun, you can meet Igor Pešić, a full-stack software developer interested in Big Data and who enjoys traveling

Name and Surname:

Igor Pešić


Haslerrail (I.O. Trains Solutions)

Introduce Yourself in Two Sentences:

I have been working as a full-stack software developer for two years, with a passionate interest in Big Data. In my work, I strive to combine technical expertise with creativity to implement innovative solutions.

What Are You Currently Working On and What Does Your Position Involve?

I am currently developing a mobile application aimed at helping train conductors improve the quality of their driving, making travel more pleasant, safer, and faster for everyone. Additionally, I handle large databases, preparing data to be appropriately formatted for display on the mobile application.

What Motivates You in Your Work?

I am most motivated by the opportunity to continuously learn and enhance my skills, as well as the challenge of implementing efficient solutions that can improve user experience. I find inspiration in my colleagues, who I can always rely on and from whom I can learn a lot.

What Do You Do in Your Free Time?

In my free time, I enjoy traveling and exploring different cultures, which provides me with new perspectives. I also enjoy playing the guitar and socializing with friends over a good cocktail, which helps me relax and recharge.

Is There Anything Else You Would Like to Share About Yourself or Your Work?

In addition to working at Haslerrail, I am completing my studies at the School of Electrical Engineering.