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Meet Milica Bogdanović

Meet Milica Bogdanović, manager of the Branč restaurant

Milica Bogdanović is the proud mother of Anika and Vidak, who are her endless source of inspiration and joy. Running, trips to the sea, and coffee with friends are her ways to balance between private and professional life. Her professional journey began early, as she entered the world of hospitality at the age of 18. Currently, she is the manager of the Dorćol restaurant Branč, the first coworking space in Belgrade, located within Nova Iskra Dorćol.

She finds daily professional motivation in her desire to create an inspiring atmosphere for her guests and team. Every smile from a satisfied guest and the energy of Branč are her driving forces at work.

When asked about her favorite moment within the Branč community, she could probably talk for days, as this place stands out for its openness, support, and togetherness. These are not just phrases, as Branč is a place where ideas are exchanged daily, and support is never lacking. The entire team worked together to organize a humanitarian event, showcasing not only professionalism but also great heart and solidarity.

Milica Bogdanović is a true example of dedication, passion, and inspiration in the world of hospitality, and if you’ve seen her once, you surely remember her.