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Community Counts: Coworking at Nova Iskra Takes Your Business to the Next Level

The secret sauce to any coworking space ― the very reason coworking is preferred by an ever-increasing number of people ― is the community that thrives within it. Written by Miloš Antić

As more pros and businesses turn away from regular office hours, coworking spaces are beginning to gain more ground. But that's hardly the main reason for their meteorite success. The secret sauce to any coworking space ― the very reason coworking is preferred by an ever-increasing number of people ― is the community that thrives within it.

You could have the fastest Internet on the planet or the most pleasing interiors you can think of; they count for nothing without an interconnected community that supports its members. That doesn't mean just lumping people together and hoping they would stick. Community in a coworking environment is one that fosters feedback, thrives on shared experiences, and stimulates spontaneous creativity.

Nova Iskra Takes Care of Its Community

At Nova Iskra, across all three spaces in Dorćol, Zemun, and Savamala, we value community as a tangible commodity that helps you and your business grow. Here, it goes beyond mere sharing of space to include our shared experiences, personalities, and ideas. It's a zone where you can grow your professional network and where beginners mix and mesh with their mentors, not necessarily from the same company or field.

We also believe that community is not some intangible substance that lives on its own. Like a thriving business, it needs to be nurtured and taken care of.

Here's how Nova Iskra helps sustain its valued community.

Inspiration & Feedback

There is no one dominating profession at Nova Iskra. Our members come from vastly differing backgrounds, skill sets, and personal histories, bringing a wealth of knowledge and different perspectives to the shared table. Nova Iskra members are encouraged to find inspiration by buzzing around and talking to each other, seeking or providing feedback where and when needed.

Networking Opportunities & Community Events

Inter-community engagement is further fostered by a wealth of networking opportunities between people of different professional histories who make up our community. The opportunity to share knowledge with a trailblazer in their field and expand your professional network is the bread and butter of the Nova Iskra community.

And to butter that particular bread, we organize a number of community events for all our members.

Life / Work Balance

Last but not least, it's not all about work, you know? Nova Iskra community nurtures the sense of belonging that supersedes professional life. Whether laughing over a cup of coffee or sweating in an impromptu game of table tennis, our community supports engagement on every level to bring forth a sense of togetherness, encouragement, and general well-being.

Give us a buzz, and let us welcome you into our shared community.