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Meet Mila Rubežić

Meet Mila Rubežić, Workspace Manager of Nova Iskra Zemun


Mila Rubežić graduated in Belgrade, at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, specializing in theater, radio, and cultural management.


In her role as the workspace manager at Nova Iskra Zemun, Mila sees a reflection of herself, as the position allows for a combination of her skills and interests.


Mila adores the sea and spontaneous weekend getaways; it feels like the rhythm of her life. Therefore, it's no surprise that each new working day brings waves of excitement, providing opportunities for participation and broadening horizons through teamwork and collaboration.


The essence of Mila's work goes beyond the tasks at hand. For her, the most important aspect is the atmosphere created in the coworking space. She takes pride in an environment where friendship prevails among the community members. Every interaction, every project, and every success of the community members contribute to the mosaic that forms a unique atmosphere in Zemun.