Nova Iskra Workspace & rent24 blog

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Meet Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra

Meet Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra

Sara Alexandra Kovačević - Zegarra, with roots in both Serbia and Peru, blends her rich cultural heritage with a creative approach to her work. As she nears the completion of her master's studies in Creative Industries, Sara reflects on her unexpected journey as a community assistant at Nova Iskra, where she has gained invaluable experience and built lasting connections. Passionate about people and community, Sara is driven by the vibrant energy of her work environment and the friendships she's forged along the way.
Meet Andrea Milivojević

Meet Andrea Milivojević

Andrea Milivojević combines her passion for aviation with her role as an assistant manager/community manager at Nova Iskra Workspace Zemun. Through her work in the coworking space, she has developed problem-solving skills and the ability to navigate unfamiliar situations, while using weekends to recharge in nature and enjoy time with family and friends.
Meet izabela Milanović - Izi

Meet izabela Milanović - Izi

Izabela, aka Izi, is our go-to community assistant at Nova Iskra Savamala. Hailing from Brezovica (where she never learned to ski), she’s transformed her initial nerves into social superpowers. Her daily highlight? Sipping coffee on our terrace. When she’s not managing community vibes, she’s wrapping up her photography studies and dreaming of dancing her way into the spotlight!
Meet Marina Malashenko

Meet Marina Malashenko

Meet Marina Malashenko, the dynamic HR leader at OneTwoTrip! Passionate about hiking, she's conquered Elbrus, Ararat, and Kilimanjaro, and brings the same adventurous spirit to fostering a thriving workplace. When she's not scaling mountains, she's nurturing talent, playing table tennis, or painting masterpieces. Get ready to be inspired by Marina's journey and her dedication to making workplaces more comfortable and productive. You can meet her at Nova Iskra Savamala.
Meet Katarina Mitić Minić

Meet Katarina Mitić Minić

Katarina Mitić Minić has over a decade of experience in the creative industries and the cultural sector, and this month she got PhD on the topic of music in video games at the University of Arts in Belgrade. on the topic of music in video games at the University of Arts in Belgrade. She has a passion for music, art, and ideas that make society better. Katarina enjoys working with inspiring people, continuous learning, and empowering others through educational content and events. You can meet her at Nova Iskra Savamala.
Meet Veselin Ilić

Meet Veselin Ilić

Meet Veselin Ilić, a man whose life motto is to enjoy everything he does, whether it's working on Cisco networks or picking mushrooms. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Zemun and talk to him about his professional expertise and life stories.
Meet Marija Gavrilović (Ma Ri Gavri)

Meet Marija Gavrilović (Ma Ri Gavri)

Meet Marija Gavrilović (Ma Ri Gavri), an interior and furniture designer whose passion is creating spaces that bring the spirit of New York and Milan to the heart of Belgrade. You can meet her at Nova Iskra Dorćol and discuss her visions and projects.
Meet Aleksei Volkov

Meet Aleksei Volkov

Aleksei Volkov is a software architect and software development consultant from Russia. In his free time, he enjoys walking, swimming, and exploring the Balkans, while at home, he entertains himself by trying to teach his cat to code. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Savamala.
Meet Aleksandra Božić

Meet Aleksandra Božić

Aleksandra Božić, a returnee from the USA, now helps others returning to Serbia through her work with the Association Tačka povratka (Returning Point). Passionate about her job and animals, she is known for her welcoming nature at Nova Iskra Dorćol.
Meet Marko Aleksić

Meet Marko Aleksić

Meet Marko Aleksić, a man whose motto is that no problem is unsolvable as long as it doesn't defy the laws of physics. You can meet him at Nova Iskra Zemun and have a conversation with him about that principle :)